| Book chapters |
O que nos espera depois da pandemia?
Nós, pesquisadores das ciências humanas e sociais, temos há tempos nos ocupado em fazer previsões sobre o mundo ‘pós-apocalíptico’. O futuro pós-epidemia já está em disputa, como dizem alguns. A proposta deste texto, no entanto, caminha para outra direção. Nosso título é retórico. Mas acreditamos que a pergunta que ele nos traz pode contribuir para a breve discussão que pretendemos desenvolver aqui: o que epidemias como essa podem nos ensinar sobre aquilo que se entende como “normalidade”? Como podemos, a partir das ciências humanas, pensar uma doença (e sua epidemia) e seus efeitos na própria maneira que com- preendemos a sociedade?
'To Master Your Body as Much as Your Mind': Control of Eating Behaviours for Brazilian and Spanish Young Women.
According to the principle of incorporation'we are what we eat,'the act of eating creates the eater and his/her body. The body is the support of the values of each social group and these values establish different uses of the body that contribute to its shape. Women's bodies, more than men's bodies, have been submitted to the norms of beauty. In societies where thinness is the dominant norm, overweight women are considered physically and mentally deviant, sick, ugly and lacking control. Therefore, the norm of thinness directly influences the eating habits of women, and'dieting'to control the body/weight has become a widespread practice. In this study, using a qualitative approach based on sixty individual semistructured interviews with Brazilian and Spanish young women, we explore the meaning given by these women for the control of their eating behaviour: What are the rationalities involved in the process of controlling eating behaviour? What does ‘dieting’mean? What is the role of dieting or control of eating behaviour in the lives of these women? How does this control become ‘normal’for women? In addition, we are interested in understanding the universality of the meanings and rationalities involved in the control of eating behaviour. We observed that the idea of control is based on the relationship between women and their food habits in both countries. This concept of control, built on self-responsibility, is considered by these women as ‘normal’and causes a rupture in previous habits. Beyond the problematic of aesthetics and health that motivates this idea of control, it represents a life style, a conquest, and self-control closely linked with …
de Moraes Prata Gaspar, Maria Clara ; Blanco, Lis Furlani . `To Master Your Body as Much as Your Mind : Control of Eating Behaviours for Brazilian and Spanish Young Women.' Who Decides?. 1ed.: Brill, 2018, v. 97, p. 247-270.
Living under Control: Social Representation of Dieting for Brazilian and Spanish Women
In this chapter we aim to discuss and comprehend the gender relations through the analysis of the young women relations with food and food control. Through the discourse analysis of 60 semi-direct interviews, we observed that the idea of control is in both countries based on the relation between women and their food habits. This concept of control, built on self-responsibility is considered by these women as ‘normality’, even though it is completely related with food habits reflexibility and causes a rupture in the previous habits. Further than the problematic of aesthetic and health that motivates this idea of control, it represents a life style and a life hygiene, a life conquer, self control, that is built altogether with the idea of femininity.